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In studio - white background

If you want a timeless, clean expression, it is never wrong to choose a white background. White background never goes out of fashion and is widely used in the world of advertising to bring the model or products you want to show off into full focus. A white background is also a good starting point for further development of the images. Perfect if you want to tell a story through a collage, e.g.

A white background works especially well for children and family photography. I run a simple lighting setup that gives room for play and movement in the studio so that impulsivity and personality come into focus. This gives extra vivid and playful images.

In studio - dark background black)

It is also possible to choose a dark background. This is especially good for maternity photos, nudes or portraits where the creative lighting takes center stage to add depth and a special atmosphere to the subject.

If you want quieter and more classic family photos, dark backgrounds can also be a wise choice. Calm portraits of children, preferably with bare skin, are also incredibly beautiful against dark shades!

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